

The Organizations page will let you navigate between the customer accounts under the Service Provider.

Organization Management 

The Organization Management page can manage feature configurations, depending on how the Organization was configured.

HELD Corporate Network Elements Options

Toggle for Corporate Network Elements to be added from the HELD Request message. Unknown Network Elements will populate in the Recent Issues section. 

HELD+ & MyE911 Device Mapping

This setting allows the Administrator to control whether IPs from the off-premise device users are mapped to locations they set.

Mass Notification

If your Organization would like to use the Incident Communications module of Mass Notification, Incident Communications API keys, and the EB Suite Organization ID must be provided and successfully authenticated. API access information will be hidden once authenticated to keep an Organization’s information secure.

Once this API access information has been authenticated an Incident Template can be selected. If there is a need to re-enter or clear the API access information, the RESET button should be used. 

MyE911Client Software Update Notifications

Organizations that do not permit their Users to install or update the software themselves can disable the update notification messages that pop up via the MyE911 Client. Notifications are enabled by default. Informational Notifications can be disabled here as well. These notifications simply inform the user when their location is set via Network Discovery.

Public IP Ranges

Public IP ranges can be viewed, added, edited, and deleted from the Public IP Ranges section. The Public IP address is used as a trusted source to check that the HELD request is coming from a corporate location. The source of the HELD request will be checked against the Public IP range. Only after a request passes the Public IP check will the IP range mappings be utilized.

Routing Options

Organizations that wish to use DID for Fall-Back Routing of HELD devices can enable that option here. This option is de-selected by default. Allow MS Teams Manual Locations controls whether Microsoft Teams calls that use “Manual” PIDF-LO will be routed to the PSAP or ERC. 

Welcome Emails

If your Organization would like to send auto-generated welcome emails to newly on-boarded MyE911 users, an Administrator can toggle this feature ON or OFF from the Organization Management page. Service Providers Administrators are able to send auto-generated welcome emails to Organization Administrators by toggling this feature ON or OFF from the Organization Management page.

API Access Keys

Organization Administrators must create and manage API keys from the API Access Keys page if their Organization connects to the cloud via RedSky's API. This allows for an Organization's sensitive information to be isolated from other Organizations in the system while also providing usage tracking. 

Create API Access Key

To create a new API key:

  1. From Administration > API Access Keys, click Generate API Key
  2. The Generate API Key modal appears. Add a description (up to 255 characters) of the key to explain what it's intended to do and for whom, then select the applicable role. Note that the key's provided access is limited to a predefined set dependent on the Organization type.
  3. Click Generate. The new key will be displayed.
  4. Copy the key to your clipboard and store it in a secure location, as it won't be accessible again after closing this modal. A confirmation message will appear at the bottom of the page once it's been copied to the clipboard.
  5. Click Close once the API key has been copied and recorded. The new key can now be seen in the list view of the API Keys page.


The Date Created and Last Known Access Time will be logged for each API access key.

Delete API Access Key

To delete an API Access Key:

  1. Navigate to Administration > API Access Keys
  2.  Click on the action menu for the API key that needs to be deleted, then select Delete
  3. A confirmation modal will appear. Click DELETE to continue. 
  4. The key is deleted and no longer appears in the list on the API Access Keys page.


The Administrators page is nested within the Administration category located on the left sidebar. Administrators and EON users with Administrator privileges can be set up here for access to the portal or EON clients.

Add an Organization Administrator or EON User

  1. Navigate to the Administrators page, which displays the Email, First Name, Last Name, Role, Locked/Deactivated status, and the Last Login Time of each Administrator. To add a new Administrator, click the Add Administrators button on the top right of the table. 
  2. The Add User dialog box will display.
  3. Fill out the following information:
    • Role field
      • Organization Administrator - The current administrator for the system, which is similar to a "super user" at the Customer Organization level. This is the only role that can create other users on the Admin Portal for their Organization.
        • EON User - An EON User can install and manage the EON client as well as receive EON alerts. An EON User can only be added if your Enterprise has purchased an Enhanced Notification License.
      • E911 Administrator - Administrator for the Admin Portal that only has permissions to manage locations, network discovery elements, users, devices, alert templates and subscriptions, and email templates for the customer Organization.
      • E911 User Administrator - Administrator on the Admin Portal that only has permissions to manage users, devices, and email templates for the customer Organization.
      • E911 Observer - Administrator on the Admin Portal that only has permission to view locations, network discovery elements, users, devices, alert templates and subscriptions, and email templates for the customer organization.
      • E911 Security - Administrator for the Admin Portal that only has permission to view call history and listen to call recordings.
    • Email field
      • Email is used as the unique identifier for each new Administrator, and as such, each new Administrator must use an Email address that is unique to them.
    • First Name and Last Name of individual to be Administrator/EON User (optional).
  4. Click the Save button.


If an EON user doesn't require Administrator permissions, they should be added from the EON Users page, instead.